Bright Falls (1976) Summary is one of the Collectibles in the AWE expansion of Control.
File text[]
Bright Falls (AWE-10)
An unconfirmed Threshold manifestation occurred at Cauldron Lake, WA.
The citizens of Bright Falls had gathered in the town's southwestern fields for the annual festival known as Deerfest. Eyewitnesses all claimed that the day had been sunny, confirmed by reviews of the area's weather reports, but then with no warning, a thunderstorm appeared in the direction of the Anderson Farm and a tornado rose from Cauldron Lake. The torrential rain that followed caused a flash flood.
"It was as if the day had turned to night." —testimony from [REDACTED]
Frank Breaker, the Sherriff of Bright Falls (formerly a Bureau Agent, see employee file [REDACTED]), managed to guide the crowd to safety as the festival grounds were destroyed by the flood. The festival was cancelled, ending one day early.
Lack of official Bureau presence on the scene makes this event difficult to report as a confirmed AWE, though the similarity to other known events in the Bright Falls area lend credence to the accounts of the townspeople.
The file can be found in the Investigations Sector. It is in the Bright Falls AWE hangar, on the power console on the elevated platform opposite the lodge facade.
See also[]
- Bright Falls AWE (1976)
- Bright Falls (1976) Supplement