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Northmoor is one of the Collectibles in Control. It is a Hotline message holding some of former Director Zachariah Trench's final thoughts.

Audio text[]


Northmoor was Director before me. I never wanted his job. I never wanted power. I purposefully avoided it, didn't trust it, didn't want to rely on it. Northmoor was all about power. A man like an explosion, hungry for authority, for order, for more, until it was too much. I had to find a solution in the end. Contain the situation. Northmoor never liked me, but he went along with it, to his credit. He didn't really have a choice. I suppose, at the end of the day, a Director's most basic duty is to keep the lights on. Here's to you, Northmoor. There were no Prime Candidates waiting in the wings. But I was there. Had been the whole time, keeping my head down, working my ass off. I had nothing to lose. I picked up the gun almost on a dare.


This Collectible is automatically obtained during the main story mission Directorial Override after seeing Trench's presence while traveling from the Janitor's Office to the NSC Power Plant.


Trench's presence speaks snippets of this Hotline during Directorial Override. The fragmented message is as follows:

...power... explosion... too much... Director's duty... keep the lights on...


Trench The Coming StormControl PointsHotlineOceanview MotelManagement TeamNorthmoorInternal LockdownPanopticonPrime CandidatesAshtray MazeSlidescape-36Endless Grind
Board The DirectorshipBoard CountermeasuresThe HissObjects of PowerAstral ConstructsControl PointsDissentFoundationFormerThe FutureRitualsAstral EntitiesDeparture
Marshall The FoundationBecoming DirectorEnd of the WorldOut of OptionsTwo Birds, One Bomb
Wake Faden Rides the ElevatorHartman's Final ActThe Third ThingOn Writing the ManuscriptWake Writes a BeginningValhalla Nursing Home